I've been collecting my favourite Ruby Star Society prints to create these beautiful bundles. I just love basics (designs that read almost as solids), small geometric prints, sweet florals - they're all perfect for the small pieces used in EPP. Once collated, I was chuffed to discover that the colours together reminded me of my favourite antique EPP quilts from 150 years ago. They were just the inspiration I needed to make Evensong, a traditional EPP design, known as Rose Star!
I made my quilt from the scraps of these bundles, so I wasn't working with exactly the same fabric sizes. But if you'd like to make Evensong with this bundle, you'll have enough for at least 2 rounds per print. (details for the most efficient way to cut fabric from a fat 16th in the Evensong pattern!) You'll be able to make all the blocks with the fabrics included, and you'll need to add to the low volume prints for the joining blocks.
Containing 96 beautiful pieces, each 10" x approx 10-11".
Ruby Star Society make my favourite fabrics for EPP, not just because of their modern, whimsical vibe, but because the fabric is soft and fine, and really easy to baste, without being so tightly woven, like lawn, that it's harder to stitch through. It's the best of both worlds!
These fabric bundles contain 6 metres (a little over 6 1/2yds) in total. Each bundle is exactly the same as pictured (with the exception of 3 or 4 bundles where a single print ran out at the end).
The Warmhearted Quilt pictured was made from the bundle by my mum! She got 4-6 jewels (2-3 hearts) from each print, depending on if they had a selvedge, which was plenty to make the whole quilt.
Please read before purchasing:
Important! A note about metric cuts: The fabrics are metric fat 16ths. This means they have been cut from a metre (100cm/40") into quarters, then in quarters again, rather than from a yard (90cm/36"). An Imperial F16 is usually 9" wide, and these are 10" (25cm) wide.
Important! A note about fat 16ths: Fat 16ths are cut from a quarter of a metre (or yard). They are cut along the fold and then cut again at 11", approximately 1/4 of the 44" width of fabric. If the fabric hasn't been folded accurately in half on the bolt, or if the width of fabric differs from 44", these pieces with selvedge can be slightly shorter or slightly longer than 11". We've done our best to spread these shorter pieces (around 10" instead of 11") throughout the bundles so that everyone gets the same amount.
Bundles are already cut: if you order 2, you'll get 2 seperate bundles. Bundles can't be altered.