Willoughby Quilt - The Upsized Version
Hearing that my nephew Will was coming to stay the night this week was just the deadline I needed to finally baste, quilt, and bind this Willoughby Quilt top that my Mum and I made last year! It feels good to finish something! And it feels great to give it away.

How Willoughby Quilt Came to Be
Will, like my son Tully, is 14. I've made a quilt for each of his 3 sisters at the request of their mum, but I kept waiting with this one. Waiting for the right mix of design and prints that would suit a teenager into adulthood. I wanted the quilt to be mostly EPP because that suited my work flow, but also for the blocks to finish square so I could machine sew it together because it's big enough for his bed.
I wanted a simple design that suited scrappy, because I just find myself leaning towards simple, scrappy blocks, rather than blocks with 3 or more steps. So, Willoughby Quilt was born.
I feel like this design ticked all the boxes. It looks interesting, and maybe even a little complex, but it's actually just a simple, 8 point star block. I just love how much this sparkles, don't you? I love how as I move my eye around it, different shapes and patterns come in and out of focus.

This Upsized Version of Willoughby Quilt
I used 2 1/2" diamonds and half square triangles for this quilt, and quickly decided while making it that while it was a great size for a single bed quilt, when I made a pattern for it, I'd prefer smaller shapes. I've been working on that version for the last month or so and hope to have it finished and kitted up soon! (Update: You can now find the Willoughby Quilt PDF pattern, EPP kit, and acrylic templates in the shop here!)

See that black square in the top corner (below)? I was so sure I'd made enough blocks! I don't know how many times I counted them to make sure, so I couldn't bring myself to make a replacement, and put that square there as a place holder, figuring I'd find it by the time I got around to quilting. Well, I never found it! And so, the fun black cats stayed, and I like it.
I sewed all the stars, and my mum added the triangle borders. It took us a year of working on it here and there to finish the quilt top, and just 2 days to finish it off this week. And now Will has a beautiful quilt made by his Auntie and Nanna. Isn't that special?
Want to make your own Willoughby Quilt?
You can find the quilt pattern, EPP kit, and acrylic templates to make your own Willoughby Quilt by clicking the link below!
Hi, Jodi! I love Will’s quilt, calm and happy at once! I made my Will a mostly blue star quilt that he still has at almost 39. I’m working on the Hexie Harvest quilt and have a large bag full of papers for the quilt along from several years ago. I wasn’t happy with my stitching at the time, but practice has improved my stitch! I sewed together lots of hexies for a sew together bag and another sewing case. Thank you for all your beautiful creative works that you share. From another introverted creator ♥️
Jodi, I really do enjoy your email and blog updates.
This quilt is spectacular. I love it.
Now, are you getting Autumn weather? We are fully going Spring green grass, tree pollen and lots of warm days
I hope you enjoy the time with your kids.
I love sewing too and carry along a bag of hand sewing or have a stack of quilts that need the binding sewn.
It is good. even though some people think you are bored and not being sociable. Poo on them.
It’s a stunner Jodi! All your thoughts and planning have produced a great quilt for Will and inspiration for more.
Looks amazing 🤩 A great colour scheme and design for a teenager moving into adulthood! We’ll done ✅
Ahhh, I love it!! What a beautiful quilt and a beautiful gift you and your mom have given him. And I love the quirky black square! A quilt with a story!
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