Monet Quilt - Easy, Scrappy EPP

“I must have flowers! Always and always.” - Claude Monet

Monet quilt on the ladder

Making the Scrappy Flowers

This week I stitched the final binding stitches on this beautiful quilt. It's not often I make a quilt where everything just flows from one step to the next, and that's fine. Some quilts are for special seasons or need pauses for fresh inspiration. But, for this scrappy version of my Monet Quilt, I got to this step below - all my blocks in rows - before I realised I hadn't taken any progress photos! I was caught up in the current, easily moving from one step to the next, and I loved it. 

rows of monet blocks

The Right Quilt for The Season

This quilt was just the right project for the change of season. I'm always a little out of whack with the sudden change in daylight hours that requires new routines with things constantly falling through the cracks. What was working so well for walking the dogs, or my photography set up by the window, or stitching during Eve's dance classes in my car is suddenly unviable, but this quilt kept making progress anyway, without any huge demands on my decision-weary brain. Just sew petals at random, then applique, then sew strips at random, then trim, and viola! A beautiful quilt that came together with hardly an ounce of friction. 

monet quilt top

A Quilt for Years to Come

Unlike my first Monet Quilt made from a single collection, I made this scrappy version by cutting a honeycomb from almost every print in my scrap bins. Then, I went through my stash drawers and cut a strip from EVERY colourful print in my stash right now! It's a little snapshot of my ‘paint palette’ in 2024. At the moment the fabrics feel so normal and available because I use them all the time, but I'm looking forward to scanning this quilt in years to come and thinking, “Oh, I loved that print! I'm so glad I used it in this quilt!”

monet quilt top on ladder

Evie helped me baste this quilt last school holidays, and since then I have slowly been hand quilting. It's felt like my 'down time quilt', the hand stitching I do between my work projects, the quilt without pressure or a deadline. I used leftover Perle 8 cottons I had in my stash in straight lines on either side of the block seams, and then filled in little circles inside the flowers. I'm almost sad to see it done! 

Make an Scrappy Quilt Garden of Your Own

It's just one of the reasons I'm so glad to have Monet in the shop. I want you to make it, too! In this often heavy and demanding and changing life, I want you to make something easy. Like a walk in the park, or a walk in Monet's beautiful garden. Start your scrappy quilt garden by shopping below!

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