Kingfisher Stitch-Along - Let's Make a Hexie Flower Quilt Together!

Let's make a hexie flower quilt together!
A change in the weather is the perfect time to start something new, wouldn't you agree? This coming summer (winter, if like me, you live 'down under'!), Rachel from Stitched in Color and I, along with a bunch of loved and talented quilters are taking on the perfect change-of-season project, and we'd love you to join us!
Rachel and I designed this quilt, inspired by our Flowers for Eleni Quilt. After having the lap quilt size in her family room for a few years now, and noting how happy it was, and how easily it went with her other makes, Rachel wanted to create another quilt like it that we could make together. Combining easy EPP, applique and machine piecing, our Kingfisher design is the perfect project for those whose next few months will see a change in routine, who get a little less machine time, that's easy to pick up with the kids at home over the summer, or while snuggled under a quilt (for those walking into winter).
It's also the perfect quilt for anyone with hexie flowers already lying around, just looking for a new home! Do you have those?

The Kingfisher Quilt
The Kingfisher Quilt starts with just 46 hexie flowers, a nice number to stitch over a month or so. We estimated a busy person could stitch a couple of flowers, around 4 times a week, and get them all done in 6 weeks. Then we stitch them onto diamonds that are easily cut with a 6 1/2" wide ruler and a rotary cutter.
I started to machine applique my hexie flowers, and discovered I have far more time in my life for hand applique (because my machine is in my studio, and not at home), and so I switched to hand stitching. The diamonds are then machine sewn together into rows, and the borders added.
If you're like me and love to switch between basting, EPP, and applique based on your mood and circumstances, this is a great quilt for you! The quilt finishes with a beautiful, modern border of easily pieced strips and appliqued triangles.

Gather What You Need
You can have the printable 1” hexagon and 2” triangle printable paper templates, along with the colouring sheet, emailed to you directly by clicking the button below!
Or, you can save yourself the cutting and printing by grabbing a Big Box of 1” Hexagons to make the hexie flowers below. You’ll have plenty of hexagons leftover for other hexie flower projects!

Over the coming weeks, we'll take you through all the details for easy basting and English Paper Piecing, machine and hand applique, choosing fabrics, and machine piecing. You'll find a handy list of tutorials and lots of other great info at Kingfisher HQ at Stitched in Color, including a colouring in sheet so you can plan! And there's prizes! Hurray!
So, are you in?
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