9 Ways to Tackle Your WIP Pile Like a Pro

The WIP Pile
If you have been quilting for any length of time, you likely have more than one "work in progress" (aka "WIP"). While we encourage multiple WIPs around here because of the slow stitching process of English Paper Piecing (EPP), sometimes those WIPs can become unruly for one reason or another.
So, we've rounded up all of our best tips and tricks for tackling your WIP pile, facing your WIP dragons, and making easy progress. We've even designed a WIP Tracking Toolkit to help you bring your WIP pile from chaos into order. By the end of this series of posts, you'll be tackling your WIP pile like a pro.
5 Reasons You Should Have Multiple WIPs
From creating rhythms to sewing more to actually finishing quilts, check out the 5 reasons I love having multiple quilts on the go.

Chaos and Order - Walking the WIP Tightrope
When things feel like they're in chaos, I find that is the perfect time for going through my quilty works in progress (WIPs).

Pick the Quilt WIP Closest to Finishing
When your quilty works in progress (WIPs) start to overwhelm you, choose the easiest-to-finish quilt, and take it across the line! Easy progress is a great motivation boost for making further progress.

Do a WIP Stocktake for Easy Progress
Whenever I want to feel easy progress, I do a big WIP stocktake, take note of what each WIP (work in progress) needs, and then choose which step I feel like doing next.

Grab the Free WIP Tracking Toolkit!
When your WIPs become unruly and overwhelming, use this WIP tracking toolkit to create order and find your joy again.

Facing the WIP Dragons
Do you find yourself avoiding your quilts in progress? Do they make you feel silly that you started? Read on to discover my trick for facing your WIP Dragons.

Embrace the Quilt Bottleneck
I've spent most of my quilting life assuming I need to change the way I do things, but these days I'm not so sure. These days I wonder how much it really matters to get it 'right' or be 'more productive'.

How to Rescue a Quilt You Hate
What do you do when you've started that beautiful EPP quilt, layout a bunch of blocks, and suddenly realize you hate it?

5 Ways to Keep Your Momentum Going with EPP
If you're a machine quilter that suddenly takes up hand sewing, the progress can feel discouraging. But, in this post I share 5 ways to enjoy the slower pace of English Paper Piecing, while continuing to make progress.

Do you feel ready to tackle your quilt WIPs?
Make sure you grab your FREE WIP Tracking Toolkit! Click below to have it sent directly to your inbox and make progress on your WIPs today.

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