5 Hexie Flower Projects Anyone Can Make

The Hexie Flower
The hexie flower is possibly the most iconic block in English paper piecing, with some of the earliest known quilts dating as old as the 1700s. They're a great block for beginners, perfect for scrap busting, and cute as can be – who doesn't love an adorable quilted flower?
Traditionally, they're made from seven 1" hexagons, affectionately called “hexies” in the English paper piecing world, and arranged into a block that looks like a flower – hence the name “hexie flower.” And, 1" hexagons fit perfectly inside a 2 ½" square of fabric, making them ideal for jelly rolls and scraps of binding. (Learn how to make your first hexie flower here!)
So, we thought it would be fun to round up a few projects that are perfect for hexie flowers. Whether you make one, a handful, or a closet full, there's something for everyone is this list!
1. Spring Whimsy Quilt
Made from classic 1" hexie flowers, this quilt is ideal for folks who simply like to make hexie flowers. Before you know it, you'll have your very own quilted garden.
Rather than stitching all of the flowers to each other, it offers a bit of rest between each flower with the strategic placement of background hexagons throughout. This seemingly small background addition also allows the flowers to “stand up straight” rather than the necessary “tilt” traditional EPP hexie flower quilts require in order to get them to finish square.
Shop all the bits to make your own below!

2. Kingfisher Quilt
This quilt design was originally a free stitchalong cohosted by Tales of Cloth and Stitched in Color. The perfect amount of hexie flowers appliqued to background diamonds, then zoomed together on the machine, it's a delightful beginner's quilt without looking like it.
Read more about this free pattern here.

3. Small Change Quilts
If you like the idea of hexie flowers and applique, but want a slightly more traditional quilt top construction than Kingfisher, then these lovely quilts are for you. The pattern contains THREE different 1" hexagon based, vintage inspired quilt patterns perfect for hexie flowers and “Grandmother's Flower Garden” blocks.
Stitch up your hexie flowers, applique them to background squares, then zoom them through the machine for a lovely quilt top!
Florin Quilt features basic hexie flowers and Tuppence Quilt features “Grandmother's Flower Garden” blocks where the hexie flower has an additional round of hexagons around it.
Grab the bits you need to make your own in the shop below!

4. Hexagon Storage Basket by Emma Jones of Vintage Sewing Box
This sweet little storage basket by Emma Jones of Vintage Sewing Box is perfect if you only want to make a handful of hexie flowers to get a taste for what they're like. Or, if you simply love hexie flowers and need the perfect excuse to put hexie flowers on something beyond a quilt!
The pattern features instructions to make your very own Hexagon Storage Basket in two different sizes. (Of note, the hexie flowers in each of the sizes are smaller than the 1" hexie flowers featured in the other patterns shared in this post.) The result is a convenient place to store all of your EPP notions complete with hexie flower embellishment.
Purchase a copy of the pattern here!

5. Hexie Flower Zipper Pouch by Lisa Sliva of Stitching the Journey
As just shared, hexie flowers are the perfect embellishment wherever you want a little more EPP in your life. But, sometimes you just need someone to gently walk you through every step of the process. That's the case with this free pattern by Lisa Sliva (that's me!) of Stitching the Journey.
From taking your first EPP stitches, to turning those stitches into your first hexie flower, appliquéing that hexie flower to background fabric and then turning it into a functional zipper pouch, each step is broken down into beginner friendly posts to remove overwhelm and build confidence. The result is that even the most novice stitcher can feel confident making this project, while seasoned stitchers can add yet another zipper pouch to their collection. (We all have one, don't we??)
Click here to find everything you need to make your own Hexie Flower Zipper Pouch!

Which hexie flower project would you make?
So, there you have it! Five lovely hexie flower projects to choose from whether you have one, a few, or a garden of hexie flowers waiting for their forever home in a project. Which one would you choose? Let us know in the comments!
I love to make hexing from scraps. Looking for ideas to finish binding
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